Transfer of Learning Please enable JavaScript in your browser to complete this form.Name of Individual Family Member *Each family member must fill out individual transfer of learningEmail *Date of training *Training Name *Select class from dropdown boxChild Development & AttachmentCrisis Theory & InterventionCultural IdentityHealing ParentsLegal IssuesLoss & GriefMandated ReportingNavigating SystemsReasonable & Prudent ParentingResourcesSexual Abuse & Healing the HurtsShared ParentingTherapeutic ParentingTrauma & NeurobiologyWho are the ChildrenWho are the Resource ParentsTransfer of Learning must be completed for each classActivities Utilized *How did this session and the activities influence you? *What did you learn about yourself by participating in this session? *What did you learn about the children who are waiting for permanency? *What questions do you have? *What would you like to know more about? *Identify reason for attending. *Select Reason From DropdownFoster/Adoptive ParentChildcare WorkerCaseworker/Social WorkerTherapistTeacher/EducatorSchool EmployeeVolunteerOtherOther:Summary of Training: *Highlights of material: *Identify information that was new or particularly interestingHow will you apply this information in your interaction with children: *1) I know the difference between GPS [General Protective Services] and CPS [Child Protective Services] *YesNo2) I understand the importance of calling and the consequences of failing to act *YesNo3) Based on the new law, I understand that I MAY NOT inform and/or seek guidance from my supervisor/administrator before making the call regarding a case of suspected child abuse *YesNo4) I understand that it is not necessary to know if a call should be made to GPS or CPS – the most important thing is to make the call *YesNoIs there additional information you would like to have regarding child abuse or being a mandated reporter? *Would you recommend this trainer to other professionals? Why or Why notAdditional Comments/FeedbackEmailSubmit