
In Home Services

TRAC’s Commitment to Families

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In-Home Services encompasses child preparation services, post-permanency services, family and professional education, and therapeutic support. The ultimate goal of TRAC’s in-home service is to ensure that children placed in permanent families do not return to the child welfare system


Case assessment, case management, respite and support group referrals make up post-permanency services provided by Connections TRAC. These services are supported by the Statewide Adoption and Permanency Network (SWAN). A family assessment is completed within one month of referral and followed by five months of direct case management. Service can include in-home therapy, advocacy for the family in community settings and consultation and & referral with other professionals serving the family.


Another much relied upon component of Post-permanency. This service provides families a much needed break to eliminate burn out and keep the family unit intact. Available respite includes but is not limited to: emergency respite, planned respite, and specialized camps. On occasion, TRAC provides family and child specific Respite Retreats. These retreats give families and children the opportunity to participate in trust-building, and relationship development activities that encourages participants to lean on one another for support.

Child Preparation

Assists youth in dealing with the confusion associated with being placed in a foster or adoptive home. This 6-month (SWAN) service provides the therapeutic support needed, through discussions and a variety of activities aimed at helping a child through the often-times painful journey of their life experience. This service culminates with the development of a Life Book which recognizes the child’s past, embraces their present, and gives them hope for their future.

Education Opportunities

TRAC provides a variety of parent and professional education series including, but not limited to, specialized training in such areas as trauma, sexual abuse, separation and attachment. TRAC is also approved by the State of Pennsylvania to provide face-to-face Mandated Reporting training for all populations. TRAC’s highly trained staff also presents at numerous local, state and national conferences.